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Sunday, September 21, 2014


Hi there!!!

Our long awaited grand opening of our library happened this past week and boy, oh boy, was it a SUCCESS!  The students were welcomed on Monday morning with balloons at the front door and in the library...

Then our sweet and amazing counselor came in to "cut the ribbon" and partake in the festivities. Her excitement really helped pump up the kids even more :)

After the cheering we said goodbye to Mrs. Baker and it was time to book shop! I am still working on my reading testing to find each kiddos level so this was such a great time for me to sit one on one with each child to help them find their "just right books."  We use the 5 finger rule in our library to find good fit books.  I was also able to introduce our book shopping cards! I love this time of year when we are able to foster their love for learning and help mold them into the best independent readers they can be :)   If you are in search of a "just right books" book mark or a set of book shopping cards head on over to my TPT shop HERE and get your copy for FREE! 
Have a great day!!

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