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Monday, September 1, 2014

FIRST post...FIRST week!


I can't tell you all how excited I am to be posting on my NEW, FABULOUS blog!!  I started this blog not only as a way to document the day to day life we all go through as teachers, but also to *hopefully* help or inspire someone a long the way! 
I’ll start by introducing myself and then take you on a little tour....
I am beginning my fifth year teaching, all of my years have been spent in first grade and in the best place ever…Katy, Texas.  I am a wife to my sweet husband Brian and a mother to our 2 fur babies Benny and Riley.  A few of my favorite things….1.) shopping at Target {you know when you only go for ONE thing and come out having spent $100…*sigh*} 2.) spending time with my incredible family and 3.) CREATING!  I absolutely love taking an idea and seeing it come to life!!

Now for a tour in Mrs. Uselton’s first grade classroom…
These pictures are taken AFTER our first week...and I must say, I am pretty proud of our class because, for the most part, everything is still in tact *you teachers know EXACTLY what I mean*
 *P.S. how CUTE is that Mrs. Uselton sign by my student work board?!  A mom MADE that for me last fortunate to have such amazing parents that spoil us at our campus*
We have a Pirate theme this year and we are all "Teaching Like a Pirate" and LOVING it!!

*Side note...I do have my classroom library CLOSED! WHAT!?!!? I know!  We did this for a purpose!  At Meet the Teacher we closed it down and students couldn’t believe they were limited to only the books on the TABLE {ugh} while mommy and daddy filled out the oodles and oodles of paperwork, BUT this caused such a BUZZ in the classroom!  The kiddos CAN’T WAIT for the “grand opening” of our library {you know…after procedures have been introduced ;)}. I can’t wait to post about our GRAND OPENING celebration {balloons and official ribbon cutting included}!!  If you have never done this before…DO IT!  You can grab a FREE sign in my TPT store….  Get your Grand Opening Sign HERE!

Head on over to my TPT shop for more great items and FREEBIES!

Thanks for stopping by today and I look forward to taking you on this journey with me!  OH, and don't forget, if you have an idea and want to see it come to life don't hesitate to e-mail me...I am always here to help!!

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