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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lots of things in the works... :)


I am dropping in to say hi and hope all is well with everyone out there in blogger world :)

Things have been rather "blah" this week due to the oh so fun STAAR testing (boo)!

With that being said I have lots going on over here at my house!  Baby boy will be making his debut next week-oh.em.gee!!! I am looking forward to meeting him and getting to be his mama :)

Also, I have been collaborating with my sweet fourth grade friend for a new writing unit to help our kiddos get pumped up before taking the standardized test!  The fourth grade team at my campus tried it out last week and it was a huge success!!! I can't wait to finish it all up and share it with you all so... STAY TUNED!!

I have so many other little projects started so I hope to get them finished and uploaded soon, maybe during baby's nap time {insert giggles from non first time mamas here-ha}!  *sigh* LOTS to do, so little time!  I know...preaching to the choir!!

PS-I am loving all the e-mails from you guys with tips and appreciation!  Ya'll sure know how to make a girl feel special! :) 

OK!  Chat soon ya'll!!!!

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