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Friday, July 29, 2016

FREEBIE Friday!!

Hey Ya'll!! It's FRI-YAY!! And there is no better way to kick off the weekend with a few fun, FREE, things!

I love, love, LOVE to give just little things to people to let them know how appreciative I am of them and what they do! It does not have to be something big at could be something small, slap a cute tag on it, and VOILA!  It's the thought that counts, right!?  Well the beginning of the new school year is right around the corner & you might be looking for something cute and inexpensive to give a teammate, an administrator, or maybe even your child's teacher...well I have just the perfect thing for you!  You could buy a pack of pens {my FAVE are the Paper Mate Flair pens} and add THIS TAG!  I have made it editable so you can make the necessary changes for you and yours :) Here is an example of what I did for my sweet teammates for our upcoming team meeting!
As I mentioned before the new school year is quickly approaching and I don't know about you but I am always looking for new ways to keep myself organized!  One thing that I have struggled with in the past is keeping all the work my kiddos turn in, in an organized manner.  I used to just have them turn in their work to the "turn in basket" and that's that...well NOT ANYMORE!  Here is my new system.. I picked up this super CUTE file folder expandable box from Target...BONUS: it's dotted and looks like Dalmatian spots like our mascot-SCORE!
So, I number my kiddos-it is just easier for me.  With that being said, I numbered the file folder tabs inside, placed one of my turn in signs on the front, and during the first week of school I will teach my firsties how to find their numbered folder and put their paper inside.  This will help me keep their papers in ABC order and the handle on top will help me to just take it on home, grade/check the contents, and then return it to them the next day!  Take a look at mine :)
*click on the picture to take you directly to my TPT shop*

AND 3.)  
I posted last time about my FREE sight word BINGO templates and graphs {scroll down to the last post for a download and read} so now I am going to share another idea for sight words.  You are probably already doing this but it may just be a different way to store your ideas...
These sight word chant cards by the fabulous Cara Carroll are so fun and adorable!  You can download them for FREE HERE!  After downloading, cut them out, laminate them and then..ADD THEM TO A CHEER BOX!  That's right, A CHEER BOX!  I sent my husband to the grocery store to get a Cheer laundry detergent box, I emptied out the contents, and it is now the new home for my sight word cheers/chants!  The kiddos will love coming to pick a cheer out of the box when it is time for word work and practice!  

I hope you enjoyed this kind of post...I plan to keep them up!! :) ALSO, I have gotten a couple suggestions from followers about posts they would like to see on the blog--THANK YOU!  I love getting requests and will honor them as best as I can...keep sending them my way!! 

Have a great weekend ya'll!! 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sight Word FUN!

GOOD MORNING SUNSHINES!!  I hope you all had a FABULOUS weekend! We had one of those weekends where you never want it to end.  Hubby took a vacation day Friday and planned a whole family day of FUN!  We took Luke to the zoo for the first time and he LOVED it!  When it came time to leave he decided to run away and "hide" behind a table & chairs...I mean look at this face {and that farmers tan LOL}!!

We continued our day with other fun activities to spoil our little angel baby and make memories as a little family of 3.  The weekend was just WONDERFUL!
But now it is back to reality and school is just around the corner and I kind of can't believe it!! It has been such a busy & exciting summer with a very active toddler and all the responsibilities that come with opening a new school!

As I am preparing back to school lesson plans I want to ensure that I am spending that first week focusing on setting expectations, practicing procedures, and building relationships...I think that is so important and it will definitely pay off later in the year :)

As a fun way to end our first week back to school our first graders will be doing some sight word practice with the Kindergarten sight words.  We thought this would be a fun way to have blend academics and fun on a Friday of a long week :)

This SIGHT WORD BINGO I made is an *editable* version for you to use with any sight words that correspond with your grade level. You can put your own words in the boxes OR {what I plan to do} post the sight words to choose from and have the littles choose their own words they want and write them into the boxes and that creates so many different boards!  If you want you could even laminate them or put them in a page protector and the kiddos can write the words with a dry erase marker so you can use these over and over again throughout the year and years to come!!

*click the picture for MORE*
BUT...THE FUN AND LEARNING DOESN'T STOP THERE!!  Continue the sight word fun by then using the EDITABLE graphing pages that are provided HERE too!!  These words are the district Kindergarten words we are reviewing and adding to our word wall but you can change them to whatever words you are working with!!  I made several different pages so you can differentiate if needed OR {what I plan to do} give each child at the table group a different graph and allow them to work independently.  Then, since they each have a different graph, they can share their findings with each other and it will be new information to everyone :) This allows them the opportunity to practice sharing and to use their academic language.
*click the picture for MORE*
I look forward to sharing more fun back to school items with you guys as the new school year approaches!! :)  Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

TARGET. Enough said.

Is it just me or does Target purposefully pin point teachers and reel them in by that gosh darn DOLLAR SPOT!!! I purposefully go in, tell myself "Kelly, you don't need a basket because you are getting ONE THING!"  Then...*dun, dun, dun* I walk by the dollar spot.  Ok, ok, I'll just look.  Then this happens....*insert walk of shame back to the cart area*....and if I must confess this isn't even all of it...this was in a matter of MINUTES!!  I'm, so ashamed!! Sorry hubs!!

BUT these lovely items make for a GREAT blog post to share some ideas on how to use these goodies so they don't just get stuffed in a drawer or in that "special place"...

1.) These ADORABLE aprons...

I do star of the week in my class and I do my best to spoil that boy/girl all week long because they have earned it!  But I am always looking for more ways to show them off--insert these beauties!! The new and improved "STAR OF THE WEEK APRONS."  These are $3.00 each in the dollar spot at Target and I thought how fun would it be if that child got to wear one of these all day long each day of the week and they can have all sorts of stuff in the pockets since they are the teachers helper all week long. They could hold pencils, hand sanitizer, etc. the possibilities are endless.  But just a plain ol' apron isn't that glamorous so I made THESE cute little tags to go on the front (PTL for the glue gun).  I just printed them out, laminated them, hot glued them on the front, and VOILA-you are ready to go!! I can't wait to use these in the fall!

2.) These PRECIOUS baggies...

I mean these have stations written all over them!! I plan to put these in my literacy stations to hold a variety of different supplies.  I'm thinking in one group it will house letter tiles, in another group it will hold magnetic letters, I mean really you could do so many things with these.  In math stations these could hold all sorts of manipulatives...cubes, place value blocks, tiles, etc. Organization is key in stations, but CUTE organization is a BONUS!! **AND they are only $1.00 in the dollar spot at Target!!! I bought all they had in stock at my Target--sorry friends!!

3.) These chalkboard blocks...

These blocks are PERFECT for differentiation!! During math stations I am always looking for blank dice so I can write in my own numbers so I am able to target the needs of my students best, and these are perfect for that.  Grab a chalk pen, write in your different numbers, and there ya go!  Or you could use them in word work.  You could write letters or blends, a child rolls the dice, and has to write words that go along with it.  I am really excited about these because not only are they functional for the classroom but they are cute!!  TEN blocks for only $3.00 at the Target dollar spot!!

4.) These SUPER cute storage bins...
How cute are these collapsible storage bins?!?!  My Target carried several different colors in the infamous chevron print and I decided on the neutral grey.  These could be used obviously for cute storage, or book buckets around your room, but for me I thought I would use mine as a new Book Doctor bucket.  I made a quick little tag, added some hot glue, and slapped it on there and there we go!! These storage bins are $5 at Target but they really are worth it...they are sturdy and good quality for only five bucks! 

Email or comment on here, instagram, or Facebook with items you have got at Target and how you use them!! I am always looking for new and creative ideas :)

Happy Hump Day Ya'll!! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I'm BACK!!!

Hi, Hi, HIIIII!!!!!!!
I’m back, I’m back, I’m BAAAACCCKKKK!!!  I could scream it from the roof tops, ya’ll!!

I took a much needed break from creating and writing to be with my little guy and cherish every moment with him over the last 12ish months and it was AH-MAZING!

Thank you so much to my sweet followers you sent me messages or e-mails to check on me…I am alive and well and ready to jump back in to blogging and creating again!! And what better way to show you how excited I am to be back then with a GIVEAWAY!!!  Thats right, ya’ll, a give away!!  Any comment, message, or e-mail I receive will count and your name will be entered into a drawing for a $5.00 credit towards anything in my TPT store.  If you don’t see anything in there right now that you could use, no worries—you can save it, no expiration date!!! :) The giveaway contest will end Sunday, July 2nd so don't forget to get your name in the mix!!! :)  Once the winner has been drawn I will notify you and you will receive your credit!!

SO to continue with the exciting news I want to fill you in on the top 3 things that have happened over my little blogging hiatus… 

#1) MY SON!!  It is still so surreal sometimes to think that I am a MOM to a precious little boy!!  Luke Patrick is 14 months now and a BUNDLE OF FUN!  I know a lot of people love the newborn stage but not me, I LOVE this stage!  Luke doesn't just walk everywhere, he RUNS!  He has a smile that lights up an entire room.  He has the best baby giggle that is like music to my mommy ears.  He is a blessing from God and I am so glad he is MINE!  I mean, ya’ll, look how cute he is on the train ride with his mama (PS-don't mind my conductor hat)!!!! 

#2) WE MOVED!!  This was a need for our little family.  My husband’s commute had just gotten to be way too much (up to 2 hours ONE way-no thanks) and with the new addition he wasn’t spending time at home with us, but rather in the car, in traffic, not moving traffic.  So, we listed the house, packed up our things, and waited…and waited…and waited.  You know, keeping a house clean for showings with a baby, that never ever wanted to be put down might I add, two dogs, and a traveling hubby is seriously a full time job.  Eventually though, the cutest couple bought our house.  It made me happy to know how excited they were to start their next chapter in our home…!  But nowwww where do we go!?!? *drum roll please…*  THE IN-LAWS!!!  I know, I know….my husband, my baby, me, two dogs, and our stuff moving in to Nana & Poppy’s house-wow!  While some are thinking “nope, no way, couldn’t do it” it really wasn’t bad.  They were so gracious to allow us to stay their for FOUR MONTHS and totally invade their space with bottles, baby food, high chair, shedding dogs, and so much more.  But after 4 long months of searching for our forever home…WE FOUND IT!  And then the angels sang!! :)
Last but not least #3) I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!  With our move meant a new school district which also meant fear and anxiety for me.  I worked for my last principal for the last 5 years, she hired me right out of college and took me with her to open a new school and she was my fearless leader and now I have to start over-cue the tears! BUT I am so excited and proud to share that this coming school year (2016-2017) I will have the opportunity to open another brand new school as the first grade team leader. YAY!!  Also, this school is not just an ordinary school but it is one that is beyond special already…this elementary school is named after a fallen firefighter that was killed in the line of duty.  I am so proud to be working in honor of this amazing woman and look forward to building a legacy in her name. 

OK!   I think that’s all-whew!  Man, I missed you guys!! Don’t forget to comment on here, Facebook or Instagram (keluselton) or shoot me an email at to get your name entered into the GIVEAWAY!!!!  OH!  And be on the lookout for some new goodies coming soon in my TPT shop…I am catching up on lost time over here :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lots of things in the works... :)


I am dropping in to say hi and hope all is well with everyone out there in blogger world :)

Things have been rather "blah" this week due to the oh so fun STAAR testing (boo)!

With that being said I have lots going on over here at my house!  Baby boy will be making his debut next week-oh.em.gee!!! I am looking forward to meeting him and getting to be his mama :)

Also, I have been collaborating with my sweet fourth grade friend for a new writing unit to help our kiddos get pumped up before taking the standardized test!  The fourth grade team at my campus tried it out last week and it was a huge success!!! I can't wait to finish it all up and share it with you all so... STAY TUNED!!

I have so many other little projects started so I hope to get them finished and uploaded soon, maybe during baby's nap time {insert giggles from non first time mamas here-ha}!  *sigh* LOTS to do, so little time!  I know...preaching to the choir!!

PS-I am loving all the e-mails from you guys with tips and appreciation!  Ya'll sure know how to make a girl feel special! :) 

OK!  Chat soon ya'll!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Reading Restaurant

Hi friends! I hope you all have been well!!

We recently finished up our Reading Restaurant in 1st grade and it was such a SUCCESS!  I am excited to share the fun with all of you!

To begin, each student picks 3 good fit books from your classroom library to use for Reading Restaurant.  I would definitely have the kiddos get your approval prior to putting them in a baggie to practice everyday during independent reading.  You don't want the book to be too challenging or too long.  Each student in my class had a Ziploc baggie for their 3 Reading Restaurant books that lived inside their book bag. 

After securing 3 good fit books for each kiddo the fun begins! In my "Reading Restaurant-Cooking Up Good Books" unit you will find everything you would need to make your Reading Restaurant a total HIT!

This is how it looked in my classroom...

*After picking out their books we made a "menu."  Fold a piece of construction paper in half and use my tracer in the unit to make the menu. Here is a quick picture...*remember don't cut on the crease!*

*In my unit you can use a template for an outside cover for the menu and two options for the insert of the menu.  This year we did our Reading Restaurant during the day so I have provided you with an insert that says "Specials for the Day" where the children write their 3 book titles or if your grade level wants to do it in the evening, after work for parents, there is an insert that says "Specials for the Evening."

*Another activity in the unit is the "book report." Students complete this over their most favorite title out of the 3 books they chose.  These are a cute and fun item to hang on your bulletin board during the Reading Restaurant.  The parents love to read them after they are done listening to their child read their books.

Extra craftivity ideas:
*Flowers--In the unit you will find a page with flower tracers...*disclaimer* you may get a grey hair or two if you choose to make these BUT they are totally worth it! They come out so stinkin' cute and are a great "parting gift" for the parent or special visitor after they are done reading their books at the Reading Restaurant.  You can fold a piece of green construction paper in half (vertically-hotdog style) then students cut strips (starting a the open flap down to the crease).  Be sure to show students NOT to cut all the way to the crease...leave a little bit of space before the crease.  Then, trace small hearts on colored paper, construction paper, or scrapbook paper and glue on the top of the piece of green grass.  Students can roll up their grass and flowers and stick them inside a red cup as a "center piece" on their desk...makes for a very fancy restaurant ;)  Here are some pictures in case you are a visual learner like me ;)...

*Chef Hats--On a sentence strip write "Chef __{insert child's name}__" I always write the word chef and let the child write their name next to it.  Measure their head and staple the sentence strip.  Use tissue paper to make the top of the chef hat.  The fabulous Cara Carroll, over at the First Grade Parade, provides a GREAT how-to when making these... check it out here! We had some FABULOUS mamas that volunteered to make these for us--bless them!!

*Mints--As a great way to say goodbye to our visitors you can purchase some mints, use the thank you sign included in my unit, and set it up by the door on their way out!

I can't say enough good things about this is fun for EVERYONE!!  The parents loved hearing their child read and shine, the students loved "performing" for their parents, and the teachers love watching their kiddos hard work pay off :)  Enjoy the pictures from the event in my classroom and stop by my TPT store to get your copy of this fun bundle!! And, as always, don't hesitate to e-mail me if you have any questions or need something additional for your classroom!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Has it REALLY been 100 Days!?!

Happy 100th day of  School!

A lot of us are getting ready to celebrate the OH, ,SO FUN 100th day of School!  There are a bazillion fabulous different ideas out in the blogger, TPT world but I wanted to share some ideas I have used in the past...

First off, I send home a letter with my kiddos to encourage them to dress up as 100 year old ladies and gentlemen!  THIS has to be my FAVORITE dress up day of the entire year!  Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE a good dress up day, I don't play around ;) This picture of Erin, teammate & bestie, and me is from last year on the 100th day...only the best from Gladys and Gertrude :)

*FYI: Those wrinkles are drawn on...just felt like I needed to clarify lol*

I highly encourage you to go raid your closet, or pay a visit to your local thrift store, Wal Mart or Stein well spent!!

If you are looking to change up your 100th day by getting "into character" then Click here for the 100th day of school letter I made that you can send home with your kiddos!!

One other way I love starting our day is by making a fun hat for the kiddos to work on as they come in that morning and wear for the day... you can download this fun FREEBIE here from Julie Lee.

Another way to make the 100th day a memory for everyone is by doing rotations with the other teachers in your grade level some rotation ideas are:

My top two Math activities : (Click on the links for FREE downloads I made)

* Penny Toss-Students can work with a partner and a penny, take turns flipping it, writing a tally mark under the designated side.  This practices the coin recognition, tally marks, and at the end counting the tally marks.  You could even have them make a prediction before the begin and then confirming whether they were correct or not at the end.

*100 Steps Estimation-I love this activity because the kiddos always have such an *aha* moment!  We normally start at our classroom door and predict where 100 steps will take us and they ALWAYS think crazy places (parking lot, play ground, etc.) just because 100 is such a big number! :0)  Then we do our 100 steps and it takes us actually to the library..maybe! The giggles and "oh my gosh" comments are the best!  We come back to the classroom and fill out if we were right or wrong and where we actually ended up! 

My favorite Writing activity:

*You can download this FREEBIE from Dragonflies in First HERE! If you want this writing activity to be more of a CRAFTivity than you could use her fabulous planning sheet and writing paper, but allow the students to pick a piece of construction paper close to their skin color, trace and cut out a circle, draw their face, then the best part... CRUMPLE IT!!  Students think this is so fun because it's like their "wrinkles."  Then for hair, if you want, you can use cotton balls and students can glue them on the top and shred them to look like white curls or strands of hair...these always are a hit in the hallway!! :)

Making Words Activity:

*We love making words with our letter tiles and THIS activity from Primary Reading Party makes it so much more fun on the 100th day of school!

100th day Reading Response Activities:

There are so many cute 100th day of school books you can read with your kiddos on this day but one of my favorites is the 100th Day Worries by: Margery Cuyler {get your copy from Amazon HERE}.

You can read the book to your class then give them THIS response I made to work on! 

**Side note: If any of the links don't work when you click on them PLEASE let me know so I can fix it and help you!!**

I hope you and your kiddos have a memorable 100th day of school and enjoy all the fun learning that will take place that day!! :)