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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Has it REALLY been 100 Days!?!

Happy 100th day of  School!

A lot of us are getting ready to celebrate the OH, ,SO FUN 100th day of School!  There are a bazillion fabulous different ideas out in the blogger, TPT world but I wanted to share some ideas I have used in the past...

First off, I send home a letter with my kiddos to encourage them to dress up as 100 year old ladies and gentlemen!  THIS has to be my FAVORITE dress up day of the entire year!  Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE a good dress up day, I don't play around ;) This picture of Erin, teammate & bestie, and me is from last year on the 100th day...only the best from Gladys and Gertrude :)

*FYI: Those wrinkles are drawn on...just felt like I needed to clarify lol*

I highly encourage you to go raid your closet, or pay a visit to your local thrift store, Wal Mart or Stein well spent!!

If you are looking to change up your 100th day by getting "into character" then Click here for the 100th day of school letter I made that you can send home with your kiddos!!

One other way I love starting our day is by making a fun hat for the kiddos to work on as they come in that morning and wear for the day... you can download this fun FREEBIE here from Julie Lee.

Another way to make the 100th day a memory for everyone is by doing rotations with the other teachers in your grade level some rotation ideas are:

My top two Math activities : (Click on the links for FREE downloads I made)

* Penny Toss-Students can work with a partner and a penny, take turns flipping it, writing a tally mark under the designated side.  This practices the coin recognition, tally marks, and at the end counting the tally marks.  You could even have them make a prediction before the begin and then confirming whether they were correct or not at the end.

*100 Steps Estimation-I love this activity because the kiddos always have such an *aha* moment!  We normally start at our classroom door and predict where 100 steps will take us and they ALWAYS think crazy places (parking lot, play ground, etc.) just because 100 is such a big number! :0)  Then we do our 100 steps and it takes us actually to the library..maybe! The giggles and "oh my gosh" comments are the best!  We come back to the classroom and fill out if we were right or wrong and where we actually ended up! 

My favorite Writing activity:

*You can download this FREEBIE from Dragonflies in First HERE! If you want this writing activity to be more of a CRAFTivity than you could use her fabulous planning sheet and writing paper, but allow the students to pick a piece of construction paper close to their skin color, trace and cut out a circle, draw their face, then the best part... CRUMPLE IT!!  Students think this is so fun because it's like their "wrinkles."  Then for hair, if you want, you can use cotton balls and students can glue them on the top and shred them to look like white curls or strands of hair...these always are a hit in the hallway!! :)

Making Words Activity:

*We love making words with our letter tiles and THIS activity from Primary Reading Party makes it so much more fun on the 100th day of school!

100th day Reading Response Activities:

There are so many cute 100th day of school books you can read with your kiddos on this day but one of my favorites is the 100th Day Worries by: Margery Cuyler {get your copy from Amazon HERE}.

You can read the book to your class then give them THIS response I made to work on! 

**Side note: If any of the links don't work when you click on them PLEASE let me know so I can fix it and help you!!**

I hope you and your kiddos have a memorable 100th day of school and enjoy all the fun learning that will take place that day!! :)